
Lee Goes West

Lee Tusman, quilt and t-shirt artist and community activist whom I told you about here emailed to say he was moving to Riverside CA to become community coordinator in the Riverside Cultural Consortium.

The self-proclaimed voodooartist, a high-energy type, updated his website to include some new comix (very nice — see right, called the “super-awesomeness comix” which appears to be a random collage of nintendo-oid icons) and a really great video animation (not his but I’m not sure whose it is). He also had one of his quilts on view at Art Basel Miami Beach.

(image below is a screen grab from the great animation “Everybody at the Beach,” whose audio keeps repeating a ska-like refrain of “Everybody at the Beach” while a variety of bodies scrolls past. Very much fun.)


Tusman, who actually went to the same high school with my kids (he was a year older than my son, Max) was in the 40th St. Artist in Residence program and his email reminded me that 40th St. is having its first-ever sale/benefit show at their gallery, AIRSPACE, this Friday, Dec. 9, 6-10 pm. He won’t be there but he’ll have shirts for sale alongside everybody else’s works.

The bouncy artist who is always full of great stories signed off his note this way:

p.s. i brought my childhood piggy bank to the real bank yesterday and smashed it open and had my change counted and it was $150.01! So save those pennies kiddies! P.P.S. I had thanksgiving dinner at a Paparazzi’s house.

Adios and good luck, Lee!
