
More on DCCA

Post from Zoe Cohen

Last week I took a trip from Philly down to the DCCA for the first time. I agree with Roberta’s assessment that the look of the Dcca’s galleries suggests higher-budget art, but I’d go the opposite direction from your wish for the center to push towards bigger-name work.*

The design and look of the place doesn’t neccesitate equally corporate, established, or well-known work. I found it refreshing to have such a “clean well-lit” place for more local work. I was however hoping for edgier, “younger” work in the galleries, like my feeling towards much of Philadelphia gallery art, I found these shows a bit safe and easy-viewing. (image is a repeat form by Cohen measuring 2 to 3 feet across and made of recycled cardboard, string, zippers)


–Zoe Cohen is a former Philadelphian getting an MFA at Brooklyn College. You can see her work in “repeat after me” at the Flux Factory in Queens.

*NOTE: I didn’t mean to imply I wanted bigger name artists or higher budget art at the DCCA, just that I wanted more things with daring and some intellectual heft. We have plenty of that locally. I’d like to see it more at DCCA.
cohen, zoe

