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January’s First Friday included a visit to the edge of civilization, Sharktown Gallery in Fishtown (we presume this is a joke name, and we love it a lot).

Turns out, the building is also full of artists studios. Here’s a picture of (left to right) Chris Sweeney, Mauro Zamora and Sam Faix in Sam’s studio. Mauro shares a space with Sam and Carolyn Hesse. And Sweeney’s studio is next door, shared with Ben Will and Todd Keyser.

I put the pictures from the evening up at flickr along with labels on the photos.

What drew us there was a student show at the gallery, which is at 155 Cecil B. Moore Ave.; among the wonders of the show were three wooden boxes that emitted confetti, by Caitlin Reinhart. I haven’t figured out yet why I liked them so, but the blockiness of the wood, contrasting with the delicacy of the confetti floating up or down in the air was pretty comical.

But it’s always the surprises, the people and the art we didn’t expect to find, that make events feel really special. The Flickr site has pictures of both–art and people.
