
Our comments work!!!!

After nearly three years of comments failure, we finally got our comments working (actually, an elf did it for us)!!!!! We’re so excited we can bust. So go ahead and comment. We’d love to hear from you.

Other Artblog business matters: index

We are changing the scope of our artists index to include the occasional name of exhibits. This will be helpful to us when we look, for example, for “Swarm” or “Artificial Worlds,” during one of those senior moments when we can’t think of the name of a single artist who was in the show but can recall the exhibit name.

Also, we have solved (actually, an elf also did this for us) the awful glitchiness of the index, and it now seems to be working smoothly. If you were reviewed in artblog and we included an image of your work, but your name is not in the index, email us the permanent link to the post and we’ll try to correct the error. (To get the permanent link to a specific post, click on the red “permanent link” at the bottom of the post and then copy into your message the url in the address bar at the top of the browser page).

Other Artblog business matters: ads

We do believe all our advertising links are working well now. Click them and check them out. In a couple of weeks, after we migrate our site to a new server, we are expecting any lingering crankiness to get fixed. Thanks to all of you for your patience and support.
