
Breaking walls at Moore

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Originally uploaded by sokref1.

This is by way of a small noise about a big show that is not going to please all viewers but is an exhibit that is well worth checking out. And I do mean Artur Barrio’s big two-gallery show at Moore College.

You thought it was cool about all those broken walls by Urs Fischer up at the Whitney Biennial? (We did too.) Well, Barrio’s been breaking and smashing his way through the world’s exhibition spaces for years. Here’s his punched out wall that you can see right now at Moore.

At the seminar Libby and I attended about Barrio, another punched wall was spoken of, this at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. I’ll have more about Barrio this weekend. Do go visit. Barrio’s work is not angry as much as the kiddos up at the Whitney seem to be angry. But he’s twice the shaman of all of them combined.

And for a virtual trek through the coffee-covered cave the artist installed at Moore see my flickr set.
