
We meet Mari Shaw at Energy Yes!

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Collector Mari Shaw posing with Isa Genzken’s Empire/Vampire I, on loan to the PMA for the Energy Yes! installation. In the background is Joseph Beuys’ Felt Suit. Click the picture to see it bigger.

Post by Roberta and Libby

Collector Mari Shaw generously posed for us with the Isa Genzken piece, Empire/Vampire I, that she and her husband, Peter, loaned to the show. Shaw and husband are serious collectors. Shaw told us that they have Warhol, Mendieta, a lot of basic minimalism and a lot of Philadelphia artists including Tristin Lowe and Eileen Neff.

We had seen a whole room full of Isa Genzkens at the Carnegie International last year. We loved the art. And we learned from Shaw that the artist is in her 50s, something we never would have guessed looking at the 20-something dollar store affect of the art.

Shaw said that the Germans love Genzken, who is now represented by Zwirner Gallery in New York.

We love the second male/female pairing here. The Beuys suit and the voodoo of Genzken’s goth Mardi Gras toppled bust.

See previous two posts here and here for more on Energy Yes! at the Philadephia Museum of Art, opening April 8.
