
Arnold Newman, Portrait Photographer Who Captured the Essence of His Subjects, Dies at 88 – New York Times

This in from Douglass Paschall at the Woodmere Art Museum:

From Arnold Newman’s assistant this morning:


I am dearly sorry to have to inform you that Arnold passed yesterday.

Please call the studio for more information. I am currently working with his sons to make arrangements, etc. Again, my apologies.


[Paschall’s email continues:] There are obituaries in the NYTimes and Inquirer today.

Arnold began his career in Philadelphia and had his first one-man museum exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1945. The “Triennial,” his last exhibition before his death, features only a modest display of his remarkable career and imagery, but he viewed this exhibition, in its own small way, as a triumphant return after six decades to the city where he started out.


Here’s a link to the obituary in the Times–Arnold Newman, Portrait Photographer Who Captured the Essence of His Subjects, Dies at 88 – New York Times; ; I read the Inquirer one in the paper, but I couldn’t find it on line.–Libby
