
Goodbye, Spector! Party this Friday

Jim Houser
A Helping Hand, limited edition print by Jim Houser, $35, available at the party Friday night.

Back when Shelley Spector announced the closing of her gallery she promised she’d have a going away party this fall. Well here it comes–this Friday, Sept. 29, 7-9 pm at 510 Bainbridge St.

ben woodward
Mr. 10 Fingers, seen here at the opening of Jim Houser’s last exhibition at Spector, will play music.

Goodbye Spector is a b.y.o.b. celebration with Ben (Mr. 10 Fingers) Woodward dj-ing and a continuous slide show of artists, art and happenings from the gallery’s 7-year run.

A limited edition print by Jim Houser ($35 each-edition of 100) will be available, and from 7:30-8:30 Adam Wallacavage will sign copies of his new book Monster Size Monsters (Gingko Press, 2006-$39.95) which includes many images from the artist’s exhibition at Spector in 1999. Here’s my review of Wallacavage’s book.

Adam Wallacavage
Monster Size Monsters, book cover.

Post-gallery closing, Shelley will be working freelance with artists as SPECTOR Projects. (see contact informataion at the bottom). One thing to note: her websites will disappear for a short time around October 1st and’s October story will post late.

“Thanks for everything and hope to see you (at the party),” says Shelley.

Shelley Spector
510 Bainbridge Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147

After October 1st: P.O. Box 63544 Philadelphia, PA 19147
