J.T. Kirkland “Torque” made of holes, wood. I love how this reminds me of a Malevich square within a square suprematist painting.
I was cruising my favorite blogs the other night and saw that J.T. Kirkland at Thinking About Art announced the University of Kentucky Art Museum in his hometown, Lexington acquired one of his wonderful holes-in-wood drawings. A museum acquisition is always terrific news so I put an “attaboy” comment on his blog and he wrote back to say that in addition, he just got picked up by a gallery, Red Door, in Richmond, VA, and will be having a solo exhibit there in December. The gallery doesn’t have a website yet but apparently it is opening this month. Here’s J.T.’s post about Red Door.
You may remember that I did an email interview with Kirkland on Artblog.
Kirkland’s a self-taught artist who thinks big and makes works quite unlike any I’d seen before.

Douglas Witmer, Angelico, acrylic painting.
Now the local-global angle on this is that Douglas Witmer — Artblog pal, artist, blogger, Green Line Cafe proprietor and friend of J.T. — also got picked up by the Richmond gallery Red Door and will be having a solo there the same time as Kirkland. Now that’s networking!
Witmer, who did a great interview with artist Linn Meyers for Artblog by the way, has a solo opening at Gallery Siano in November, so if you can’t get down to Richmond catch Witmer’s paintings in Philadelphia. (Or maybe you stopped at his studio over the weekend, Douglas was part of the POST open studios event.)
Anyway, congratulations to two artists who are clearly going places!
J.T. Kirkland: Nature/Nurture
Douglas Witmer: Recent Paintings
Opens Friday December 1, 2006
Red Door Gallery
1607 West Main Street, Richmond, VA
Douglas Witmer: “The Black Keys” and other paintings
Opens Friday November 3, 2006
Gallery Siano
309 Arch Street, Philadelphia
We have another museum acquisition story to share and other global-local news. Watch for that in an upcoming post.