
Stephen Shore speaks at Arcadia tonight

Speaking of Stephen Shore and road trip photography (see previous post) the artist is speaking at Arcadia University tonight in conjunction with the exhibit Mystic River. Mystic River is the group exhibit at Arcadia’s Art Gallery with works that are related in spirit to Stephen Shore’s color photographs. OK, so what does that mean, related in spirit?

Stephen Shore
Stephen Shore, Merced River

Shore’s photographs of road trips, idylls, Americana—and especially his photo Merced River, Yosemite National Park, California, August 13, 1979 — are the visual triggers for the show. Maybe that means there’s a lot of landscape work, a lot of Americana, a lot of vacation-like, camping-like things. What I believe there is none of in the show — and I’ll check this out tonight when I see it — is photographs.

Here’s who’s in the show which is guest-curated by Noah Sheldon:
Dike Blair, Peter Coffin, Ian Hundley, Martha Friedman, Matt Keegan, Emily Manzo, Heather Rowe, Stephen Shore, Paul Wagner, and Roger White. Music by David Griffin, Casey Farnum, Koen Hotlkamp, Emily Manzo, Warren Ng, and Roger Whit.

Shore will speak tonight before the opening in a public conversation with Noah Sheldon and Roger White who interviewed the photographer for a 2005 article on the Brooklyn Rail.

Shore, by the way, was in Kate Ware‘s Mavericks of Color exhibit at the PMA in 2005.

Conversation with Stephen Shore
7 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 10
Arcadia University, Glenside
Stiteler Auditorium, Murphy Hall
Opening reception and live musical performances by participating artists immediately following in the gallery, 8-9 p.m.
