
Philadelphia rediscovered by New York Times

This in from Dan Schimmel:

Thought this might interest you all if you missed it in the weekend N.Y. Times Travel magazine.

Thanks, Dan. We knew the Times was running around town interviewing art people, but we didn’t know when the piece was coming out. We’re pouting a little, since they didn’t talk to us, but we’ll get over it, especially because this is the sort of press we think Philadelphia art deserves.

So maybe they didn’t hear us banging the drum, but they heard the drum banging.

For $26 and a load of wampum

It’s pretty funny that the Times this year dubbed us the sixth borough, and now they’re conceding there’s art beyond the Hudson and it’s right here in Philadelphia. Soon New York will try to buy us from Pennsylvania, which, if not for Rendell, would gladly strike a secret deal through Sotheby’s, with a 45 day grace period for New Jersey to equal the bid.
