
Digging today

This is not Libby and me digging, but some Tyler VIP’s turning over the symbolic shovelful of dirt for the new Tyler building on Temple’s main campus. Photo from Spring, 2007.

Excuse the pun. Libby and I are off to Mt. Rainier, MD today with a truck full of wonderful Philadelphia art. We’ll be installing our show, Dig, at H&F Fine Arts today and tomorrow. See you on the other side. And in case you’re wondering, our show (we curated it–here’s who’s in it: Barbara Bullock, Candy Depew, Kip Deeds, Nick Lenker, Thom Lessner, Jayson Scott Musson, Jen Packer and Zoe Strauss!) has an opening reception Saturday, Oct. 20, 4-7 pm. We’d LOVE to see you there!
