
Dig break

An installation shot of dig, with Nick Lenker's Elephant in the Room, Thom Lessner's John Coltrane behind, small Thom Lessner pieces to left and Zoe Strauss Pushpin Installation of photos to right
An installation shot of dig, with Nick Lenker’s Elephant in the Room, Thom Lessner’s John Coltrane behind, small Thom Lessner pieces to left and Zoe Strauss Pushpin Installation of photos to right

We’re taking a break tomorrow, taking down Dig, the exhibit we curated for H&F Fine Arts in Mt. Ranier, MD. (Here’s our post on the exhibit, if you missed it previously).

A big hug to Christopher Lawrence, who’s transporting the work for us.

Here are more people we want to thank:
J.T. Kirkland
Cheryl Fountain
Karen Handy

…and a big xoxo to all the fabulous artists who agreed to show their work in this little exhibit:
Barbara Bullock
Kip Deeds
Candy Depew
Nick Lenker
Thom Lessner
Jayson Scott Musson
Jen Packer
Zoe Strauss
