
Dig’s PR machine gets going!

Thanks, Steven Wells and Tara Murtha for all that great Philly Weekly enthusiasm in this week’s paper!! Dig is a Pop Rocks! Who would have thought it?

“Dig: A Group Show of Philly-Based Artists”

We are Philly. Hear us roar. It isn’t Pop Rocks’ policy to encourage travel to lesser burgs, but PW art critic Roberta Fallon and partner-in-crime Libby Rosof—who together chronicle Philly art on their award-winning Artblog—have curated an exhibit that introduces the neon stars of Philadelphia’s rattling art scene to the denizens of dirty D.C. Rosof says the roster showcases Philadelphia’s shift from a regional scene focused on academic realism and landscape art into a bubbling brew of button-pushing conceptual work with international reverberations. Featured artists include those who’ve kneeled at the altar of the prestigious Pew Fellowship, such as Barbara Bullock, Candy Depew and photographer Zoe Strauss. (Strauss’ rep as “the Diane Arbus of Philadelphia” recently transfused the pungent pageantry of Philadelphia’s streets into N.Y.C. at the Whitney Biennial.) Rounding out the bill are Kip Deeds, Thom Lessner, Nick Lenker, Jen Packer and PW’s own Jayson Scott Musson. Here’s hoping Rosof and Fallon get more into the import/export business. (Tara Murtha) >> Through Nov. 24. Free. H&F Fine Arts, 3311 Rhode Island Ave., Mount Rainier, Md. 301.887.0080.
