
More great shows this week!!!

The slew of great shows opening in September continues. Here are a few that open this week that we just couldn’t resist passing along to you.

Wednesday, Sept. 10

Jayson Musson, cartoon drawing from his website

Jayson Musson’s Juvinilia @ The Bean Cafe
small exhibition of drawings
615 South Street.
Wednesday September 10
9 pm-11 pm

Thursday, Sept. 11

Gee’s Bend public opening at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Ten quilters will be at the opening!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
$20 for non-members; free for PMA members.
Reserve online at or call (215) 235-SHOW (7469)Friday, Sept. 12

Lauren Albert, yer blues, digital, 2008, one of the artists included in the Midwives Collective show Organic Machines 
Lauren Albert, yer blues, digital, 2008, one of the artists included in the Midwives Collective show Organic Machines
Organic Machines at the Midwives Collective
Recent works by Emerging Artists–They are the first recipients of the first-annual Midwives Collective & Gallery Exhibition Award at Moore College of Art and Design:
Lauren Albert
Torie Senseny
Catherine Badger

September 12th – October 4th
Grand Opening Reception:
Friday, September 12th, from 6 pm-10 pm
Not meaning to upstage the exhibit and these emerging artists, but the big news is that instead of floating from apartment to apartment, the Midwives have a gallery space of their own:
The Midwives Collective & Gallery 
1241 Carpenter St., Second Floor, Suite #2
Gallery Hours: Saturday NOON-5pm
Lee Stoetzel
Lee Stoetzel’s VW bus of pecky cypress. A stunner! Seen up on the second floor at Mixed Greens in 2007.Global Suburbia at Abington Art Center 
exhibit from August 30-November 30
Curated by Sue Spaid, “Global Suburbia” includes: Chris Ballantyne, Amy Bennett, Mark Bennett, Center for Land Use Interpretation, Götz Diergarten, Barbara Gallucci, Fritz Haeg, Michael Barton Miller, Sarah McCoubrey, Matthew Moore, Hiro Sakaguchi, David Schafer, Mark Shetabi, Lee Stoetzel, Eva Struble, Thomas Wrede
Opening reception Friday, September 12
6 pm to 8 pm

Caleb Larsen
Over Protection, 1000 latex condoms on wooden armature

THE INTERVAL SEPARATING: art by Caleb Larsen, at Esther Klein Gallery
September 12  – November 1
Opening Reception 
Friday, September 12
5 pm to 8 pm

Saturday, Sept. 13

james hyde.jpg
James Hyde at Jenny Jaskey Gallery, photo from Jaskey website.

WYSIWYG at Jenny Jaskey Gallery 

featuring artists James Hyde, Summer Kemick, Sungmi Lee, Avery McCarthy, Colin Montgomery, Paul Salveson
September 13 – October 18
Reception: Saturday, September 13
4-6 pm

Art by Kate Moran at Gallery Joe

Kate Moran’s loud, at Gallery Joe
September 13- October 25
reception, Saturday, September 13 from 4 – 6 P.M.
