
Department of clarification

Nick Lenker, The text from his piece Always Remember Your Place.
Nick Lenker, The text from his piece Always Remember Your Place.

I wondered about the source of the text on Nick Lenker’s urns (see my previous post on the show at Fleisher/Ollman). I even tried to Google it, in case the source was out there somewhere. Not that I really believe that. After all, the text is pretty much a perfect fit to the imagery, with suggestions of enslavement and powerlessness.

Nick Lenker, the text from his piece Sacrifices Will be Made

So I emailed Nick to get the scoop, and here’s some of his answer:

The text is all my own. I used to write a lot when I was younger and then stopped. I guess I’m revisiting it now. …Here are some enlargements of the text for you. The titles of the pieces are in the text so you should be able to tell which corresponds to which.

To see the images larger, click on the images and then click “All Sizes.” Both images were provided by Nick.
