
Look! It’s Libby and Roberta on TV tomorrow

We make our TV debut tomorrow, 8 p.m., on PhillyCAM, a public access TV station that will begin airing episodes of the ever popular videos series Look! It’s Libby and Roberta.

PhillyCAM, aka Philadelphia Community Access Media, cablecasts on Comcast channels 66 and 966. Channel 66 reaches anyone in Philadelphia with Comcast’s basic cable service. And 966 reaches those with digital subscriptions.

Video still from Look!

If you’re one of those rare lucky souls in Philadelphia who has Verizon FIOS, tune in on channels 29 and 30. Someday, the programing may even reach Montco when PhillyCAM has video on demand on their web site. But not just yet.

Look!’s other time slot is Sunday at noon. The idea is to air the series, one at a time, with Wednesday at 8 and Sunday at noon as our time slots. The station will air them in reverse chronological order, starting with our most recent episode. You can expect the episodes to show pretty close to the top of the hour.

In Look!, we take you for an insider’s look at art in galleries and museums in Philadelphia. Thanks to David Kessler, videographer extraordinaire,  the videos are mercifully short and entertaining, and although they were made in 2007-2009, they remain relevant today, Hey, we think the videos deserve five stars!

To view our videos on our own site, click the word video in the nav bar at the top of the blog.
