
Matt Giel’s performance photography on Artblog Radio

Roberta and Libby interview artist Matt Giel in this 12-minute podcast for Artblog Radio.

Matt Giel’s self-portrait as a drape over a chair

Artist Matt Giel makes his photos the old-fashioned way, with film and chemicals. But they are hybrids, part sculpture, part performance–as in the time he wrestled his gigantic developer out of his cellar studio to truck it to a one-day performance of slowly printing an extremely long photographic scroll. Giel names Marlo Pascual and James Welling among his influences.

The developer that he moved from his cellar studio to a gallery for a one-day performance of printing a nearly endless photograph

Giel will be in a show organized by Tim Belknap and Ryan McCartney opening June 2 at the Icebox, the only art space in Philadelphia big enough to hold it. The 2012 Truck Show of work by 14 artists applies the car expo theme to pick-up trucks transformed into artwork!

This episode is edited by Peter Crimmins. The music is by Eric Biondo. Thanks to the Knight Foundation for helping us get the ball rolling on this project. Thanks also to J-Lab‘s Enterprise Reporting Fund and William Penn Foundation for additional support and to our partner WHYY NewsWorks for their ongoing support. You can listen to Artblog Radio on Apple and Spotify.
