
Figment – Live via satellite at Andy Warhol’s grave

Earth cam and the Warhol Museum have paired up to create a live satellite camera feed at Andy Warhol’s grave! And today at 2PM there will be a celebration there of what would have been Andy’s 85th birthday this year.  artblog friend Madelyn Roehrig will be there.  Her project, Conversations with Andy documents Madelyn’s daily visit to the grave to talk with Andy and document other people’s responses to the artist, who very few of us knew but who feel close to him for many varied reasons.  Today’s party will be the 5th Madelyn has orchestrated at the grave site but the first streamed live via satellite.  There will be bagpipes and cake and a sense of wonder and joy, if not a little bit of winking and nodding, too.

8:30am Aug. 6, 2013. screen grab of the Earth cam feed at Andy Warhol's grave.
8:30am Aug. 6, 2013. screen grab of the Earth cam feed at Andy Warhol’s grave.

I spent some time on the Earth cam feed this morning. It’s on the Warhol museum website, and I want to say, not only is it addictive (ahem, if you have those tendencies), but it’s a project the artist would love.  The voyeuristic overtones — watching people who don’t know you’re watching — is a little chilling and very in keeping with the artist.  And it also becomes boring after awhile, like any undercover surveillance job would become. I watched at 8:30 as birthday balloons swayed in the breeze.  Then out of the blue, a cameraman walked up and set up his tripod and video!  And suddenly, I became a spy. Check it out and happy birthday, Andy!
