
Fringe excitement, New Toynbee Tiles, Tristin Lowe’s Passat, Plus Cellophane, Julius Ferraro and Amanda V. Wagner

Today's news post is a shortie but goodie. Take a look at the pictures, dream about the Fringe and look down South Broad St. for the new Toynbee Tiles. -- Artblog Editor


Do you love the Toynbee Tile Mystery like I do? I saw new tiles a few days ago on South Broad St. (at Sansom and Walnut, East side crosswalks).  They are so new they’re still mostly covered with the tar coating on top. Here’s a story in Philly Voice. And more about Toynbee Tiles from our movie review of Resurrect Dead (2011), the great movie by Jon Foy, starring Justin Duerr, which is now available on Netflix.

And in another mystery occurrence, Tristin Lowe‘s VW Passat is now hanging from the ceiling of Temple Contemporary. Tristin’s Passat (or the rear half of it) made a memorable debut hanging from the ceiling of Vox Populi in February. This is the car that was pretty much totaled in an accident on a dark rural Pennsylvania road, with the artist driving and having a near-death experience. The disembodied half-vehicle is an icon worthy of contemplation. Go up to Temple and check it out. Below is the Passat in the February Vox install. Congrats, Tristin – amazing work and we are sure glad you’re here to tell the story.

Tristin Lowe, Passat, Vox Populi, Feb. 2016
Tristin Lowe, Passat, Vox Populi, Feb. 2016
Amanda Wagner and Julius Ferraro of Curate This
Amanda Wagner and Julius Ferraro of Curate This

Artblog loves to collaborate and this fall, we have two wonderful collaborations — The New Art Writing Challenge with The St. Claire, which was just announced, very exciting! And, we will be collaborating with Julius Ferraro and Amanda Wagner of Curate This. The duo, whose online arts publication debuted about a year ago, sat down with me for a TGMR interview, which will be published soon. And they will be picking the Our Picks for September! Stay tuned for that.


Fringe Fever is in the air. The magazine-length catalog for the Festival is out and here are a couple things in the arts that we’re excited for:

In the Digital Arts category,

Tyler Kline presents ST4RG4T3 On the web Sept. 9 “Cultural Capstone for speculative interdimensional transmission. Access ST4RG4T3 HERE.

Andrew Cameron Zahn presents LAPSE 2016. On the web Sept. 9. “Programming/Digital Video/Custom Software, dimensions variable.” Access LAPSE 2016 HERE.

In other Fringe categories, our collaborator, Julius Ferraro, who writes about Fringe performances for Thinking Dance, said he’s really excited about Cellophane, by a duo, Jenny Kessler and John Bezark, who recently moved to Philadelphia. More about Cellophane below.

Friday September 9th at 7:00pm
Saturday September 10th at 3:00pm and 7:00pm
Sunday September 11th at 2:00pm and 6:00pm
Monday September 12th at 7:00pm

Company members: Jenny Kessler and John Bezark
Featuring: Cassie Alexander, Katie Frazer, Jefferson Grubbs, Warren Johns, Aaron Roberge, Julie Roberts, and Aja Singletary

Call 215-413-1318 or visit FRINGE ARTS to purchase tickets.

Cellophane is, in the words of its madcap creator, “a spectral portrait and chronicle of America through the medium of bad language.” You could call it a word experiment, or a poetic deconstruction of history, or perhaps a disturbing linguistic collage of our boundary-defying country. It is, at its very core, a story about you. This production, which will open as part of the Philadelphia Fringe Festival in September, will include a dizzying display of data-driven visualizations and animations, catapulting the text into the present. Nestled in the high-ceilinged chapel of Shiloh Baptist Church, this 85-minute performance will be confusing, alarming, exciting, infuriating, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit enlightening.
