
A.M. (Satou) Weaver died yesterday

We are very sad to report the passing yesterday of our friend, A.M. Weaver. Her exit from this earth creates a big hole in the art world and a bigger hole in our hearts. We know many of you were friends of hers, worked with her, were mentored by her, and are mourning her loss as we are. We will let you know about a memorial service for A.M. as soon as we hear.

A.M. (Satou) Weaver
A.M. (Satou) Weaver

A.M. Weaver was a prolific writer, curator and advocate for African American artists and others marginalized by the art world.  As a curator/activist A.M. was honored by the Leeway Foundation in 2009 with a Leeway Transformation Award. Her work always was about honoring those in the art world who had been left out of the discussion.

A.M. was our friend and contributed excellent content to Artblog.  She also wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer, Hyperallergic, Bomb magazine and many other publications. A glance at A.M.’s author page on Artblog shows a writer of exhibition reviews and features, and interviews with artists from Philadelphia who she cared about and worked with or was interested in for their subject matter or unusual materials or practices. As an artist herself (trained in printmaking and sculpture) A.M. was an art omnivore and she moved through the world as if on a quest…to know more about materials, spirituality, art practices, and most of all, people. She loved to interview artists and have a conversation about what made them tick.

It was not uncommon to see A.M. at art openings surrounded by people. Her regal presence, wide smile, and especially, her contagious laugh, were magnetic.

As a curator, A.M. was a good communicator, and her shows, in museums and in the public realm, delivered exhibitions that spoke to art “insiders” but also welcomed a public that was not “art insiders” but would respond to the work when presented in a way that didn’t talk down but that seemed natural and that engaged. Writing about A.M.’s most recent curatorial project, “Gardens of the Mind” at the African American Museum in Philadelphia, Andrea Kirsh says,”The exhibition offers a rich, visual experience to viewers who can approach it without specialized knowledge of art or feminist discourse.”

While we are sad and mourn our friend’s passing, we smile and think that she’s organizing, curating and writing on another plane now, righting wrongs and making her new place more equitable for all spirits. You can find more information about and pictures of A.M. (Satou) Weaver at her Facebook page.
