
Socialist Grocery

In a 9-panel comic from the Socialist Grocery series by Oli Knowles, Maggie, Sebastian's partner exasperates, "Wow. What a week. We Couldn't drink the water, then we could drink the water, then we weren't sure. I'm still not sure. No fucking clue what's going on. Let's watch a horror movie." While sitting on a couch next to a gaming Sebastian. The middle left panel focuses on Maggie's face, calmly they ask, "So, I've never asked. What's your criteria for horror?" Sebastian in the center middle panel responds with hand gestures and says, "Well, it has to be made between 20 1980 and 2015." On the center-middle right panel Sebastian points one index finger to another saying, "It can't be "made to look" like a 70's classic but it's actually relatively new. Confusing." The far middle right panel shows a close up of Sebastian as they say, "The movie description can't mention 'ancient curse' or be about teens in the woods." The bottom left most panel shows Maggie's Netflix home page with Sebastian's finger pointing and them saying, "It cannot have the "Netflix Original" N." The bottom center left panel has Sebastian sitting on the couch continuing their list, "No fantasy-horror, no slashers, no trees on the movie cover." In the bottom center right panel Sebastian continues on pictured in a profile view alongside Maggie, impassioned they say, "And absolutely no movie with two A-list actors in it at the same time." In the bottom right most panel a view from behind the couch shows Maggie desperately saying, "That leaves us with literally one movie." Sebastian excitingly says, "Great! Glad we narrowed it down."

Dialogue and Transcription

In a 9-panel comic from the Socialist Grocery series by Oli Knowles, Maggie, Sebastian’s partner exasperates, “Wow. What a week. We Couldn’t drink the water, then we could drink the water, then we weren’t sure. I’m still not sure. No fucking clue what’s going on. Let’s watch a horror movie.” While sitting on a couch next to a gaming Sebastian.

The middle left panel focuses on Maggie’s face, calmly they ask, “So, I’ve never asked. What’s your criteria for horror?”

Sebastian in the center middle panel responds with hand gestures, saying, “Well, it has to be made between 20 1980 and 2015.”

On the center-middle right panel, Sebastian points one index finger to another saying, “It can’t be “made to look” like a 70’s classic but it’s actually relatively new. Confusing.”

The far middle right panel shows a close-up of Sebastian as they say, “The movie description can’t mention ‘ancient curse’ or be about teens in the woods.”

The bottom left-most panel shows Maggie’s Netflix home page with Sebastian’s finger pointing and them saying, “It cannot have the “Netflix Original” N.”

The bottom center left panel has Sebastian sitting on the couch continuing their list, “No fantasy-horror, no slashers, no trees on the movie cover.”

In the bottom center right panel Sebastian continues on pictured in a profile view alongside Maggie, impassioned they say, “And absolutely no movie with two A-list actors in it at the same time.”

In the bottom right-most panel a view from behind the couch shows Maggie desperately saying, “That leaves us with literally one movie.” Sebastian excitedly says, “Great! Glad we narrowed it down.”
