
Socialist Grocery

In a 9-panel comic from the Socialist Grocery series by Oli Knowles, Sebastian begins the first panel narrating to an image of a front door, "In 2020, I lived in a one bedroom apartment, and one day when I was at work..." Sebastian continues onto the right panel, backgrounded with an image of a computer saying download cashapp, "...Someone broke in and took my computer. They tried to use my cashapp account to-" The below panel shows Sebastian's phone in hand, "-Send themselves $10,000. Luckily I only had $4 at the time." The middle left panel displays Sebastian in bed with their partner Maggie both sleeping soundly, Sebastian continues, "I still have dreams frequently. Years later, about my cashapp getting hacked." In the middle right panel Sebastian and his coworker Mickey are shown, both wearing masks and glasses, "Most recently, I had a dream that my coworker, Micky, stole $4,000 from me." On the lower middle left panel Sebastian, shown at work wearing their glasses and a mask desperately relates their troubles to coworkers, "In the dream I tried telling my coworkers but nobody believed me." "Micky stole $4000 from me!" To which the coworker responds, "No Way." The lower bottom middle right panel shows Sebastian in profile with their thumb pointing backwards as if towards Micky, speaking to a coworker Sebastian says "Micky stole $4000 from me!" The Coworker responds, "No, there's no way he did." In the bottom panel Sebastian speaking to another coworker looking concerned says, "Why does nobody believe that this happened??" The coworker responds "Because there's no way yoou even had $4,000."

Dialogue and Transcription

In a 9-panel comic from the Socialist Grocery series by Oli Knowles, Sebastian begins the first-panel narrating to an image of a front door, “In 2020, I lived in a one bedroom apartment, and one day when I was at work…”

Sebastian continues onto the right panel with an image of a computer saying download cashapp, “…Someone broke in and took my computer. They tried to use my cashapp account to-”

The below panel shows Sebastian’s phone in hand, “-Send themselves $10,000. Luckily I only had $4 at the time.”

The middle left panel displays Sebastian in bed with their partner Maggie both sleeping soundly, Sebastian continues, “I still have dreams frequently. Years later, about my cashapp getting hacked.”

In the middle right panel Sebastian and his coworker Mickey are shown, both wearing masks and glasses, “Most recently, I had a dream that my coworker, Micky, stole $4,000 from me.”

In the lower middle left panel Sebastian, shown at work wearing their glasses and a mask, desperately relates their troubles to coworkers, “In the dream I tried telling my coworkers but nobody believed me.” “Micky stole $4000 from me!” To which the coworker responds, “No Way.”

The lower bottom middle right panel shows Sebastian in profile with their thumb pointing backward as if towards Micky, speaking to a coworker Sebastian says “Micky stole $4000 from me!” The Coworker responds, “No, there’s no way he did.”

In the bottom panel Sebastian speaking to another coworker looking concerned says, “Why does nobody believe that this happened??” The coworker responds “Because there’s no way you even had $4,000.”
