
Matthew Green’s web apple

Matt Green’s Burlington Swansong, 2006.

Matthew Green, a painter we met in 2003 when he was selling his very fine paintings on the street on a balmy first Friday night, wrote me recently to say he’d updated his website. Green moved from Philadelphia to New Jersey a while back and he’s working a day job as a graphic designer after a hiatus as a full time artist which didn’t pay the bills (what else is new). But the Rowan College grad is painting away — portraits of urban and industrial decay possessed of a forlorn beauty and a dreamy poetry.

Green’s website (the green apple is it’s signature motif)is nicely laid out and includes a lot of images, some of them high res screensaver or printer giveaways. The artist told me he’s in discussion with a Philadelphia gallery to have a show. I hope it happens because the work is great– and full of heart.


Here’s an Artblog post about Green and here’s my Weekly feature on him.

Matthew Green | Artist | Designer

