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Watch the video from our first safari!

Hello everybody! We are very excited to share with you our video of the first artblog art safari!  The video is short and sweet and gets the points across well.  Click the link to see it on YouTube or watch it on our safari page where there’s more background information about this Knight Arts Challenge project. (Or watch it after the jump.)

Libby with Shelley Spector in a safari moment from the video, sharing some zines they bought at the Little Berlin BYOTY zine fair.


Let us know what you think and please circulate the link to your friends and colleagues.  We will be using the video on our Kickstarter campaign when we get that rolling, we hope, next week.  The video was filmed and edited by the fabulous Kim Paynter.  Kim will be our videographer for the rest of the art safari videos.  The artblog art safaris begin in March, 2012.


