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Henri Cartier-Bresson and Chuck Patch, together at last!

Chuck Patch, photo of two men on a New Orleans street.
Chuck Patch, photo of two men on a New Orleans street.

This just in from Chuck Patch, our dear friend and extraordinary photographer based in New Orleans (but soon moving to Baltimore, so stay tuned…). Chuck is in an exhibit in Paris sponsored by the Cultural Ministry. It’s a photography show about New Orleans and Chuck’s in really good company. Here’s who’s in the show:

Henri Cartier-Bresson, Alain Desvergnes, Bryce Lankard, Gilles Mora, Owen Murphy, Chuck Patch, Christopher Porche West, Victoria Ryan, Louis Sahuc, Jennifer Shaw, Mark Sindler and Donn Young.

Show’s at the ministere de la Culture et de la Communication, 182, rue Saint-Honore – Paris 1ar, and it’s up to June 1. So if you’re in the City of Light, get on over there and see it.


Here’s a slide show Chuck made of the six works he has in the show. Takes about 30 seconds to view–highly recommended…they are beautiful works!!

I can’t find the photo and my French is not too good but the press release on the Ministry’s website says Cartier-Bresson took a great street photo in NOLA in 1946. A girl in a white dress running down a street (Maybe you can imagine it from this description.)

En 1946, Cartier-Bresson saisit l’un des instants essentiels de son art, en la personne d’une petite fille de la Nouvelle Orléans, échappée d’une fête – ou en retard –, courant sur le bas-côté d’une avenue, et retenant avec une grâce appliquée le pan de sa robe blanche. La course éperdue de cette enfant habillée avec soin, pleine de fougue et de grâce, s’élançant au bord d’un fossé sale, a fourni le fil conducteur de cette exposition : l’image de la ville elle-même, pressée d’être à l’heure au rendez-vous, et n’en doutant pas quel que soit le retard pris.

