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New blogger on the scene

Hey artblog readers! Welcome Robyn O’Neil to Philadelphia blogland. Robyn is a great drawing artist (see post). We’ve seen her work in the Whitney Biennial 2004, at Gallery Joe and at the recent Art in the Armory. Robyn is a friend of Rob Matthews and is taking over temporarily at Matthews the Younger while Rob and Tracy Matthews do the European tour thing (2 weeks, many cities, no sleep, lots of art, great food, sigh…). Robyn has blogging creds as well as art creds. Her blog, uffball, has a great story about a blankey, some fuzz, obsessive art production, difficult parents, eating bad pizza and more!! She’s a great story-teller, and I shouldn’t be surprised. Her art is full of narrative power.

Welcome to Philly, Robyn!

