
Bring on Slought

gitlin1A peek through the window at Slought Foundation offered some undefinable black blobby shapes that made me walk in.

Michael Gitlin’s black pieces, sort of spandex-covered enormous shapes–that suggest a variety of things from body parts to those mushroomy growths out of trees to modern furniture–have a bouncy affect that invite touching and peering around and under. Tres sexy. And very much taking up space and molding the space around themselves.

zansky2In the next room, Michael Zansky created an array of lights, spinning balls and giant lenses supported by gizmos and looping flexible pipes to make a slightly goofy, mad-scientist-in-Hollywood version of the planets and the universe. The work was earnest and funny and made me laugh aloud.

This was Slought’s best show to date, and perhaps thanks to the inviting window as well as the quality of this show, foot traffic is up, reported Aaron Levy, one of Slought’s directors and founders.

Definitely worth a visit to University City.
