Libby, I love your righteous anger about the Holzer-Penn boondoggle. I suppose an artist’s got to eat…but you do wonder why Holzer’d put her name to such an obviously pandering piece.
In other anger-management news, this morning I read that he whose name will not be mentioned here wants to colonize the moon and send us up to Mars. All I say is leave my lunar love object alone already! (image is this morning’s full moon over Philadelphia, 6:30 am) Get back to earth and do something about the mess you made here instead.
Moving anger

And before we move off the anger issue, here’s something weird. PAFA‘s Morris Gallery will host what could be the inflammatory show of the millenium. Brooklyn artist Adam Cvijanovic, who makes painted landscape wallpaper (his work was included in the Fabric Workshop‘s recent wallpaper show) will revisit the deadly, nightmare that was the MOVE bombing of 1985 (you remember, the city dropped a bomb on the MOVE radicals on Osage Ave. and burned down an entire city block.. 11 lives lost). He’ll do so in the context of another Philadelphic — and Quaker — classic, “Peaceable Kingdom” by Edward Hicks. The press release says this piece is “a departure from [the artist’s] usual subject matter–iconic landscape imagery.” I’ll say. Show opens Feb. 21. (image is Cjivanovic’s “Disko Bay” wallpaper 2001)