
Towers of light 2004


I got a note and some photos from my sister Cate this morning.

Cate lives in Manhattan, south of Houston St, and she witnessed the Sept. 11, 2001, disaster from the roof of her apartment building.


Cate has always been a Manhattan documentarian but with a twist.

Over the years, she’s focussed her camera on the night sky catching glimpses of the moon peering between towering buildings.


Here’s what she snapped last night, Sept. 11, 2004 — the Towers of Light beaming up from where the twin towers used to be.


Cate said she was walking along the river when she took the photos. (Being a Philadelphian, I don’t know if that would be the Hudson or the East River). The last two images focus down and capture reflections in the water.


Looking at the photos slowed me down this morning and made me a little sad.

I guess a little sadness is appropriate before moving on to wrestle with the day’s chores so I’m sharing them with you. It’s sunny in Philadelphia this morning and I’m going out on a walk. More later.
