
Whazzup with that?

11thandpearlDriving up 11th St. the other day after seeing the show at Space 1026 (more on that later) I spotted an anomolous billboard just north of Vine.

I almost didn’t see it at first, so small was it, so subtle, and so high up. The billboard sits on top of a rehabbed building at 11th and Pearl and I pulled over long enough to take this shot then drove on scratching my head. (image)

11thandpearldetThe crisp blue sky, hard edge of the building, unavoidable wires and wispy clouds of the real world were so very real. And the dreamy, black and white image of fog-covered sea with its little peaked rocks was so romantic and unreal I thought it was a perfect yin, yang urban moment.

The billboard might be the opening shot for an upcoming ad for a new beverage. Who knows. But the few moments I took to consider it on a busy work day were moments that made me happy.
