
Happy Famous Artists correction

Post by Intelligensius Anarchus & Jeff Blind

[note: I posted previously on the awesome photo blog, “Happy Famous Artists,” but mis-attributed authorship of the site to Fred Michiels. The real owners, Inteligensius Anarchus and Jeff Blind wrote to correct this mis-information. Sorry guys.]

dear roberta & libby,

we take the liberty to contact you in order to clear up a small misunderstanding concerning our weblog <Happy Famous Artists – Bad Art for Bad People>.

although we are thrilled & honored that you mentioned our blog in your list, we also noticed that it has been by mistake attributed to another artist, namely fred michiels.

although we included fred in our list of featured artists/events, he has nothing to do with the weblog as such (creation, contribution etc) & we would very much appreciate to have the blog presented the name of its real authors: Happy Famous Artists (Intelligensius Anarchus & Jeff Blind), should you consider to mention it in the future.

We are currently creating a website as well, where we plan to present solely our own artistic work, so we’ll let you know once finished! Thanks & May The Fame Be with You!

Happy Famous Artists

(Intelligensius Anarchus & Jeff Blind)
