
Romanian sizzle


Libby told you about Romanian-born artist Emanuela Harris-Sintamarian and her solo exhibit at Rosenfeld Gallery in her post. My review is up today at the Weekly (PW). Read here.

I loved the colorful show so much that I want to give it more ink and share a splash of pictures. The work’s darkly exuberant with a maniacal focus on the human-technology interplay. That’s the right subject and in the young artist’s hands it’s treated with the right amount of obsessive energy. Somebody said that genius was intelligence plus energy and this lady’s got both. The exhibit’s up til Mar. 27.

(top image is around ten ft. tall. There’s an outline in white of a towering Jesus figure, he sits over a stew of other imagery and a Visa card peeks out at the bottom.)

This is a detail shot of the artist’s cut paper installation which sprawls over an alcove-like three walls and envelopes the viewer. The installation feels like being inside one of Harris Sintamarian’s paintings.

There are fantastic ink line drawings in the show. (Sorry I don’t have one to show you.) This is from another series of drawings which imply the degeneration of a system into chaos.

Several of the works, like this one, are multi-panel works, with the panels mis-matched but the whole a convincing unit.

The artist studied film back in Romania and her show includes a loop of three short animateds set to a swingy jazz audio. The videos show the rhythmic build-up of lines and imagery and they’re complete pieces in themselves, not documentary explanations of the artist’s working methods. With their build-up, erase-down motif the pieces reminded me a lot of William Kentridge‘s animateds but without the narrative line and with a lot more color.
