
Spector Scam response — hound em back!

Post by Shelley Spector

I was involved in the cell phone/art scam too. Below is the email that I sent when they asked me to send the 3 Nokia phones with the 3 pieces of artwork that they said they wanted to purchase.

Hi Robert,

As you surely understand I am an art gallery and happy to assist you in purchasing work created by some of America’s finest artists. Unfortunately we have no phones available here. However we do have paintings with phones in them, sculptures made out of phone books and drawings that were drawn while the artists were talking on the phone. I think based on your selection of pieces so far that you would like this work very much. It is obvious you have a keen eye for art. There of course is also the option of commissioning an artist to do a work inspired by the Nokia phones that you like.

Thanks you so much,

Shelley Spector

–Shelley Spector is an artist, gallery owner and Artblog contributor. Opening April 22 at Spector Gallery is Jim Houser’s solo exhibit, “Babel.” Visit her gallery’s website for more.

(image is sculpture by Spector, “B-Boy,” oil on wood with found object)
