
Your intrepid reporter slips again

Oh, I should have double-checked Rodger LaPelle’s list of galleries going or gone out of business, but enough of them were right for me to believe in the whole list. Then I got this email suggesting all was not well:


I don’t believe Rodger LaPelle was quite accurate in the list of gallery closings he gave you (included in your August 25th posting).

While the rest of the list may indeed be defunct (pending confirmation…?), I think Rick DeCoyte and Michal Smith might be a bit bemused (to say the least) at the news that LaPelle has shed a premature tear for Silicon Gallery. Might be worth checking, but as far as we know at PPC, Silicon is very much alive and well…

Robert Wuilfe
Philadelphia Print Collaborative

DeCoyte just now assured me the demise of his gallery has been greatly exaggerated. Silicon as both a gallery and a terrific digital printmaker is still in business and DeCoyte was charming and amused, which makes me feel a little better. I’ll put a correction in the previous somewhat erroneous post.
