
Who we know and what they saw

esherselfandhoffmanherselfLast weekends adventures in art land included more than just getting slapped around (see posts here and here).

We took a terrific trolley tour of some of the POST galleries in the morning (I will report on this later), and better yet we caught up with a couple of young women whom we had met in the blogosphere, Carol Es (here’s a link to her blog and her web page) and Elizabeth Hoffman (here’s a link to her web page). The whole conversation with them began with a note from Carol, who had been reading us, then a tour of her amazing web page, and before you know it, she was coming here, visiting her friend Elizabeth, who lives in the burbs–and us (top image, that’s Es barely visible on the left, and Hoffman on the right, with Roberta and her camera in the back middle).

Anyway, although Es’s blog post on the philadelphia trip is misleading about just how many beers Roberta and I downed while she and Elizabeth snarfed up a magic combo of pizza and fries, she’s more trustworthy on other subjects, among them a super-enthusiastic review of the Teresita Fernandez piece at the Fabric Workshop and Museum plus an enthusiastic review of the work at Pentimenti and Larry Becker Gallery.

esandhoffmanhandsIt’s always great to read how terrific things look from an outside-Philly point of view. Can it be that I, a native of Brooklyn, have caught the low-confidence Philadelphia shrug?

We trolled around Pentimenti with them as well as Nexus and they were great to look with, dashing from piece to piece, their hands all over the Nexus art work (some of the work there begged for hands). I plan to report on some of this stuff later, but for a quick, earlier view, you can check out what Es has to say here (Es’ and Hoffman’s hands all over a felt sculpture by Jennifer Butler-Kaler at Nexus).
