
Philly in Brooklyn Friday

Two of Artblog‘s favorite young artists have work at Jack the Pelican Presents opening this Friday: The estimable Ianthe Jackson, whom we’ve told you about here (her drawing in the Tyler MFA show last spring) and here (her MFA thesis exhibit which sounds something like what she’ll have at JPP), who has a solo exhibit, “Entry Island,” and the estimable Matt Fisher, who’s in the group show “Caspar David Seance.”

Jackson will have animation, kinetic sculpture, drawing and more all on the idea of identity and alter egos. (the artist’s alter ego creation Black McLean will most certainly be on hand.)

And in a group show revolving around the idea of romantic love and death, Fisher joins a group that includes Jody Ake, Fia Backstrom, Olivia Barr, Mia Brownell, Andrea Cote, JJ Garfinkel, Ann Hirsch, Lars Kremer, Adela Liebowitz, Anne Arden McDonald, Anja Mohn, Alexandra Newmark, Kelly Sturhahn, and Ruth Waldman.

Opening reception for both JPP shows is this Friday, Nov. 18, 7-9 pm and the shows run to Dec. 18.

Fisher and Christina Vassallo’s MatCH-Art-curated “O” show, by the way, opens Nov. 30 at the Shore Institute in Long Branch, NJ. This Philly-artist heavy show, which we’ve told you about previously, should be ooooooodles of fun. Here’s the complete list for that show: Lisa Beck, Louis Cameron, Moriah Carlson, Orly Cogan, Mark Dagley, Joel Edwards, Rob Grunder, Francis Holstrom, Sharon Horvath, Jim Houser, Jasper Johns, Chris Kasper, Laura Ledbetter, Jim Lee, Monique Luchetti, Noah Lyon, Andrew Masullo, Rob Matthews, Derick Melander, Tom Moody, Matthew Northridge, John Phillips, James Rosenthal, Savako, Randall Sellers, Mark Shetabi, Jordan Tinker, John Torreano, Alice Wu, B. Wurtz, and Nami Yamamoto.

Opening reception for that show is Sunday, December 11, 3-6 pm.

(image is detail from the JPP e-postcard. I believe that’s Jackson charging forward on the horse)
jackson, ianthe
