
Phong Bui and Holiday Home…

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Phong Bui
Originally uploaded by Bromirski.

Separated at birth?

This image on Martin Bromirski‘s flickr page (click the image to see bigger and to get to Bromirski’s photos) is very like the architectural paper airplane made by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos at the big cave, the Philly ICA. How can you not ask the question?

Mark Barry wrote about Phong Bui on ionarts last summer. Bui, is an artist, curator and publisher of the Brooklyn Rail. Bromirski’s photo doesn’t say where the picture came from*, but I assume Bui’s installation lives in the real world right now in some gallery.

Bui’s work looks less like a cave than the Holiday Home — which is a complete Jetson by Star Wars module for lunar living.

See Libby‘s post below for pictures of the ICA installation. And I’ve got more pictures of the show online in my flickr ICA opening set.

*[Note: The post originally said Bromirski took this photo. He didn’t, but posted it on flickr from artnet. The photo’s from a 2005 exhibit in New York. Also, Bui is a University of the Arts graduate, says Bromirski.]
bui, phong
van berkel, ben and caroline bos
