
Presepio mundi at Fleisher

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I was at Fleisher Art Memorial yesterday to see the Challenge 3 exhibit, which I recommend, and ran into Fleisher’s Warren Angle who said had I seen their Presepio yet. “Say what?” The art memorial has an installation of a Neapolitan Presepio (an over-the-top nativity creche scene) with more than 100 pieces including everything from shephards to the ruins of classical buildings, some puti, angels — and fruit vendors. Angle said he loved the Italian market aspect of the scene but I better hurry to see it because it was coming down any day now.

I’m such a good girl that I ran over in the rain to their Christian St. building where the Presepio is installed in the window of the gallery and put my nose and camera to the window. No problem shooting in the rain through a window — I fell in love with the little baroque costume drama and snapped away. I have some more pictures of the Presepio, (collected by the late Elizabeth Anne Evans over some 30 years of annual visits to Italy) in my feisher flickr photos (and say that three times!). The set also has a bunch of images from the Challenge 3 show — works by Susan Bank, Phyllis Gellmin Laver and Roxana Perez-Mendez.

Evans’ sisters, Marcia Evans and Suzanne Hoyle-Rhodes, donated the presepio to Fleisher by the way. Here’s Fleisher’s webpage for more.
