
Nose Bleed Chapter 9

34 panel comic entitled "Nosebleed Chapter 8" by Derick Jones. Letters by Kyle Arrends, Edited by Nancy Scuri.Panel 1: Recap from chapter 8 with a different view of now headless friend. Panel 2: Tilda is standing with their back to us looking at the headless friend and the actual intended target looking in horror. Panel 3: Tilda holding a hand out towards the two. "Damn, got the wrong head." Panel 4: The remaining friend with blood streaking her face screams, "Eeeekkk!" Panel 5: She runs out of the corner market yelling, "Help!!" Panel 6: Profile image of the blood-splattered friend running as fast as she can. Panel 7: Tilda's hand takes up the panel as if trying to grab the fleeing person. Panel 8: Gripped by an invisible force the fleeing person is herself powerless, "HUK!!" Panel 9: The panel gives us a wider view of the action showing Tilda and an onlooker. Tilda says, "Where do you think you're going." Panel 10: The power imbued from the drug begins to amplify in intensity. Tilda continues, "We're just getting st-started!" Panel 11: The helpful victim's head begins to disform with angular growth from her forehead making a "Crtch!" sound. Panel 12: Tilda's hands are the focus showing the intensity of the effort to cause harm to their victim. Panel 13: "Hurk," the victim is now disfigured beyond recognition. Panel 14: Back to Tilda still focused showing veins and blood from the exertion. Panel 15: The victim with her remaining energy screams "Sta-Staahhp" in a last desperate plea. Panel 16: Perhaps having an influence Tilda grabs their head. Panel 17: Tilda now experiencing an extreme seizure of pain. Panel 18: Tilda on their hands and knees in the crosswalk, looking to contain the vomit. Panel 19: Tilda, unable to hold it back, experiences a massive guttural release. The victim is back on their feet but disoriented in the middle of the street. Panel 20: Tilda's victim is now left in a zombie-like state, "ug uh uh ugh ngh". Panel 21: The victim is lazily walking on an active road with a car barreling down on her. Panel 22: Tilda trying to catch their breath, "huff huff huff," looks exhuastedly at their victim. Panel 23: The victim walks haplessly into oncoming traffic. Panel 24: The car is unable to stop in time hitting her with a massive impact, "Brakk!" Panel 25: Tilda regains some control but remains hunched over looking at the victim crushed into the hood of the car. Panel 26: Tilda flees the scene as smoke billows from the destroyed car and a shocked driver looks at the victim and the damage. Panel 27: Tilda flees down a narrow alley between houses. Panel 28: Running as fast as they are able. "Huff, huff." Panel 29: The exertion is taking a toll on Tilda and they quickly lose energy as they struggle through the alley. Panel 30: Tilda comes through the alley using a house for balance. Panel 31: Tilda dodges a car screeching to a stop in front of them. Panel 32: The driver of the car says to them, "Tilda Roberts...funny." Panel 33: We see both occupants from the front and a police badge hanging from the rearview mirror. The person in the passenger seat says, "We were just on our way to come talk to you." Panel 34: The driver opens the back door and we see Tilda weighing their options as the driver says, "Get in." To Be Cont. Nosebleed chapters so far, 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
34 panel comic entitled “Nosebleed Chapter 9” by Derick Jones. Letters by Kyle Arrends, Edited by Nancy Scuri. Panel 1: Recap from chapter 8 with a different view of now headless friend. Panel 2: Tilda is standing with their back to us looking at the headless friend and the actual intended target looking in horror. Panel 3: Tilda holding a hand out towards the two. “Damn, got the wrong head.” Panel 4: The remaining friend with blood streaking her face screams, “Eeeekkk!” Panel 5: She runs out of the corner market yelling, “Help!!” Panel 6: Profile image of the blood-splattered friend running as fast as she can. Panel 7: Tilda’s hand takes up the panel as if trying to grab the fleeing person. Panel 8: Gripped by an invisible force the fleeing person is herself powerless, “HUK!!” Panel 9: The panel gives us a wider view of the action showing Tilda and an onlooker. Tilda says, “Where do you think you’re going.” Panel 10: The power imbued from the drug begins to amplify in intensity. Tilda continues, “We’re just getting st-started!” Panel 11: The helpful victim’s head begins to disform with angular growth from her forehead making a “Crtch!” sound. Panel 12: Tilda’s hands are the focus showing the intensity of the effort to cause harm to their victim. Panel 13: “Hurk,” the victim is now disfigured beyond recognition. Panel 14: Back to Tilda still focused showing veins and blood from the exertion. Panel 15: The victim with her remaining energy screams “Sta-Staahhp” in a last desperate plea. Panel 16: Perhaps having an influence Tilda grabs their head. Panel 17: Tilda now experiencing an extreme seizure of pain. Panel 18: Tilda on their hands and knees in the crosswalk, looking to contain the vomit. Panel 19: Tilda, unable to hold it back, experiences a massive guttural release. The victim is back on their feet but disoriented in the middle of the street. Panel 20: Tilda’s victim is now left in a zombie-like state, “ug uh uh ugh ngh”. Panel 21: The victim is lazily walking on an active road with a car barreling down on her. Panel 22: Tilda trying to catch their breath, “huff huff huff,” looks exhuastedly at their victim. Panel 23: The victim walks haplessly into oncoming traffic. Panel 24: The car is unable to stop in time hitting her with a massive impact, “Brakk!” Panel 25: Tilda regains some control but remains hunched over looking at the victim crushed into the hood of the car. Panel 26: Tilda flees the scene as smoke billows from the destroyed car and a shocked driver looks at the victim and the damage. Panel 27: Tilda flees down a narrow alley between houses. Panel 28: Running as fast as they are able. “Huff, huff.” Panel 29: The exertion is taking a toll on Tilda and they quickly lose energy as they struggle through the alley. Panel 30: Tilda comes through the alley using a house for balance. Panel 31: Tilda dodges a car screeching to a stop in front of them. Panel 32: The driver of the car says to them, “Tilda Roberts…funny.” Panel 33: We see both occupants from the front and a police badge hanging from the rearview mirror. The person in the passenger seat says, “We were just on our way to come talk to you.” Panel 34: The driver opens the back door and we see Tilda weighing their options as the driver says, “Get in.” To Be Cont. Nosebleed chapters so far, 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8

34 panel comic entitled “Nosebleed Chapter 9” by Derick Jones. Letters by Kyle Arrends, Edited by Nancy Scuri.

Panel 1: Recap from chapter 8 with a different view of now headless friend. Panel 2: Tilda is standing with their back to us looking at the headless friend and the actual intended target looking in horror. Panel 3: Tilda holding a hand out towards the two. “Damn, got the wrong head.” Panel 4: The remaining friend with blood streaking her face screams, “Eeeekkk!” Panel 5: She runs out of the corner market yelling, “Help!!” Panel 6: Profile image of the blood-splattered friend running as fast as she can. Panel 7: Tilda’s hand takes up the panel as if trying to grab the fleeing person. Panel 8: Gripped by an invisible force the fleeing person is herself powerless, “HUK!!” Panel 9: The panel gives us a wider view of the action showing Tilda and an onlooker. Tilda says, “Where do you think you’re going.” Panel 10: The power imbued from the drug begins to amplify in intensity. Tilda continues, “We’re just getting st-started!” Panel 11: The helpful victim’s head begins to disform with angular growth from her forehead making a “Crtch!” sound. Panel 12: Tilda’s hands are the focus showing the intensity of the effort to cause harm to their victim. Panel 13: “Hurk,” the victim is now disfigured beyond recognition. Panel 14: Back to Tilda still focused showing veins and blood from the exertion. Panel 15: The victim with her remaining energy screams “Sta-Staahhp” in a last desperate plea. Panel 16: Perhaps having an influence Tilda grabs their head. Panel 17: Tilda now experiencing an extreme seizure of pain. Panel 18: Tilda on their hands and knees in the crosswalk, looking to contain the vomit. Panel 19: Tilda, unable to hold it back, experiences a massive guttural release. The victim is back on their feet but disoriented in the middle of the street. Panel 20: Tilda’s victim is now left in a zombie-like state, “ug uh uh ugh ngh”. Panel 21: The victim is lazily walking on an active road with a car barreling down on her. Panel 22: Tilda trying to catch their breath, “huff huff huff,” looks exhuastedly at their victim. Panel 23: The victim walks haplessly into oncoming traffic. Panel 24: The car is unable to stop in time hitting her with a massive impact, “Brakk!” Panel 25: Tilda regains some control but remains hunched over looking at the victim crushed into the hood of the car. Panel 26: Tilda flees the scene as smoke billows from the destroyed car and a shocked driver looks at the victim and the damage. Panel 27: Tilda flees down a narrow alley between houses. Panel 28: Running as fast as they are able. “Huff, huff.” Panel 29: The exertion is taking a toll on Tilda and they quickly lose energy as they struggle through the alley. Panel 30: Tilda comes through the alley using a house for balance. Panel 31: Tilda dodges a car screeching to a stop in front of them. Panel 32: The driver of the car says to them, “Tilda Roberts…funny.” Panel 33: We see both occupants from the front and a police badge hanging from the rearview mirror. The person in the passenger seat says, “We were just on our way to come talk to you.” Panel 34: The driver opens the back door and we see Tilda weighing their options as the driver says, “Get in.” To Be Cont.

Nosebleed chapters so far, 12345678
