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Barnes–back-room deals and power plays

barnesphotoToday’s Philadelphia Inquirer has a terrific blow-by-blow account of the Barnes brouhaha and how the final deal was reached between the Philadelphia movers and shakers and Lincoln University (image of Dr. Albert Barnes).

It doesn’t mention (out of kindness???) that Lincoln must bear some of the blame for the Barnes coming to such a pretty pass that something had to be done. It also shows how business gets done via the old boys network and therefore how Lincoln got cut out of the early-stages planning and thinking.

My favorite line in it was the statement that the art world per se had no legal standing in this. Marginalized as usual!


Anyway, it’s worth the read. The story is by Patricia Horn. I am no longer going to put up our password for getting into the Inky, because it seems it doesn’t work for so many of you, but it’s no big deal to register. There’s no charge. Or just go out and buy the paper. Here’s the link. It’s a the front-page story.
