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Oh boy, am I excited about this one. Artblog pal Jeanne Jaffe, professor of sculpture and head of the department at University of the Arts, is having a solo exhibit at Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton NJ. The show opened today and runs to Jan. 8.

The show is all new works including sculpture, prints and installations. Jaffe has been pushing her own personal envelope for a while now and I got a peek at these works in the studio before they went to the body detailing shop to get their sexy airbrush finish. They look pretty amazing in these “after” shots Jaffe sent me the other day.

The artist, a Leeway and Fleisher Challenge award winner (where is her Pew, I want to know?!!!) shows her works at Gallery Joe. See examples of her last work at Joe here. That exhibit hinted at the body by Japanese cartoon direction she was going in. These photos show she’s headed into the Zen manga realm for sure. The weird body-obsessing Zen loveliness is cool and disembodied — in a good way.


Speaking about bodies, here’s a Robin Rice background story about Jaffe. The artist escaped death in a hit and run accident in Philadelphia in 1987, (she was a pedestrian) and along with her body (which required years of physical therapy) her art practice was altered forever by the accident.
