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Meanwhile the inbox floweth over

So speaking of Carol Es (see Libby’s previous post), I’ve been meaning to pass along this awesome news. Carol’s book 1-SELF has been purchased by the Getty Museum. Awesome! Read more about it on Carol’s bloggie.

We met Carol, a Los Angeles artist and blogger in October when she came through town with her buddy Elizabeth Hoffman. Here’s Libby’s post and my post on that visit.

Matthews on the wall at the PMA


This from Rob Matthews:

Blink or you’ll miss it but the Philly museum is actually going to put my drawing on display next month. My name is not in the press release for the show but I guess it came down to either me or Rembrandt and I lost that coin toss.

The show is: Recent Acquisitions: Prints and Drawings from Dürer to Doig, opens March 11, 2006 – May 21, 2006. And it includes more than one hundred prints and drawings acquired by gift and purchase between 2000 and 2005.


And these two P.S’s from the PMA:

PS 1

Frank Luzi of the PR Dept emailed that “…the Museum has just added an installation of 30 works by Ellsworth Kelly created between 1949-1955.” That installation also opens Mar. 11. Here’s more.


PS 2

I told you about new contemporary curator Carlos Basualdo‘s Notations, here and here.

Well the first Notations exhibit is coming up next month, opening April 8. Here’s more:

…The first installment of the series, entitled Energy Yes! opens April 8–September 30, 2006, and includes works by Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol, and Thomas Hirschhorn — new acquisitions and recently promised gifts.

The title is borrowed from Hirschhorn, for whom “Energy Yes, Quality No!” is both a battle cry and a motto. A centerpiece of the installation is Hirschhorn’s monumental Camo-Outgrowth (Winter), a 2005 assemblage consisting of 119 schoolroom globes of the Earth arrayed on shelves lined with photographs of people wearing camouflage.

Other names mentioned in the release who I am assuming are in Energy, Yes!

Bruce Nauman‘s neon work “the True Artist helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths;”

–Cuban artist José Bedia, self-taught artist Martin Ramirez, and American artist/composer John Cage.

–The late Argentinean artist Victor Grippo’s Analogía I (2da. version) a piece with hundreds of potatoes connected by electrical wiring and hooked up to a voltmeter that shows the total amount of energy generated by the potatoes when the visitor presses a button.

–Finally, I was told by Emily Hage, a co-organizer of Notations with Basualdo, whom I met at the Artur Barrio seminar at Moore, that there would be a Philadelphia artist in this installation. Stay tuned as I follow up on that.
