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J.T. Kirkland to bite the Big Apple


J.T. Kirkland
Bloodwood, Canarywood
Wood, by J.T. Kirkland, 35″ x 25″, 2006

Artist J.T. Kirkland is taking matters into his own hands and getting his artwork up in New York next week in his own original way.

First of all, if you’ll be there Tuesday-Thursday, January 16-18, from 7:30-9:30 p.m., I would have to say, don’t miss this transient exhibit. His work is intriguing and great.

Second of all, I thought J.T.’s complete tale and his m.o., which involves some cloak-and-dagger subterfuge and secrecy, would tickle almost everyone–not to mention would serve as an example of getting things done.

So here’s the link to the tale and the info on his blog, Thinking About Art.
