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Scab on my Brain at Space 1026

Carl Dunn. Beast. in Scab on my Brain, curated by Jordan Isip at space 1026
Carl Dunn. Beast. in Scab on my Brain, curated by Jordan Isip at space 1026

While the Space 1026 crew holds forth in their show at BravinLee Programs in Chelsea, back home holding down the fort is a great little show brought together by friend of Space, Jordan Isip. Scab on My Brain is a 13-person exhibit that’s full of bright sassy art by out of towners whose aesthetic ranges from cartoony to sophisticate to outsider naif.

Carl Dunn’s sculptural devil dog and the painting that accompanies it are high points in edgy fun. Louie Cordero’s ink on paper hallucinations have to be seen to be believed. I was not familiar with any of the artists except Isip, who, I believe, I’ve seen at Jonathan Levine’s previous shop, Tin Man Alley. But I enjoyed it all. And by the way, pair this show with Naked Paper at Tower Gallery for a mega-dose of pinned, taped and bulldog clipped works raw and right up there on the wall, no frames. Excellent! Show’s up through July 28.

I have many pictures of the show at flickr.


Louie Cordero
Louie Cordero, ink on paper. 14 x 11″ Can we say wow?!
