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Art in the age uninvented

A couple of Art in the Age products, hanging in the shop at Copy Gallery. The shirt on the left features art by Andrew Jeffrey Wright. I'm not sure whose work is on the right.
A couple of Art in the Age products, hanging in the shop at Copy Gallery. The shirt on the left features art by Andrew Jeffrey Wright. I’m not sure whose work is on the right.

Art in the Age, the upstart little business that sold t’s and other screen-printed items imprinted with images by artists, has just lost its founding leaders Nick Paparone and Tim Gough; or to put it another way, the upstart little business, which was dreamed up by Paparone and Gough, had its financial backing from local PR group Gyro Worldwide, which decided a change in leadership was called for.

Here’s Annette Monnier’s post.

In this world business rules. 🙁

