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Women and Pop–the second preview

rosalyn drexler
video still of Rosalyn Drexler speaking about her life as an artist and wrestler, from vlog

If you loved Sid Sachs on video at the end of October, talking about the future women and Pop exhibit at UArts, you’re sure to love the newest video from the show series, this one Rosalyn Drexler (A Life in Art).

The vlogs, both online at, are about the exhibit Beyond the Surface: Women and Pop Art 1958-1968, scheduled at Rosenwald-Wolf in 2010 (Geez, I hope we don’t die waiting!!) Leading up to the exhibition date, we are getting this series of nine videos from Ed Waisnis, who’s the Rosenwald-Wolf exhibitions program assistant.


In this second episode, artist and author Rosalyn Drexler talks about how she started making art and her experiences as a wrestler. She’s riveting. All the while she tells her extraordinary yarn, she sits with her purse nestled demurely on her lap. Cut past the first minute of the video until you get to Drexler herself talking. The intro flags.

I can’t wait until the next video installment, due in March.

