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Trippy Pollock tip

Post by Barbara Smolen

[Muralist and Drexel faculty Barbara Smolen wrote to give us some cyber air kisses and this tip about a show we’re going to run right out and see]


I LOVE your artblog! Artbrain food is always good.

Have you seen Bruce Pollock’s show at Fleisher Ollman? (image is “Red Dextral,” 2003, oil on canvas on panel)

I think his stuff is mystical and mesmerizing, trippy, refreshing in a stubborn way. (See Pollock’s website, designed by artblog contributor Anne Seidman, by the way, for more images)


He teaches at Drexel and he’s really nice. He looks just like you’d expect him to from his paintings– like a yoga instructor! I’m curious as to your opinion of his work.

–Your neighbor, Barbara Smolen
