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I brake for Spector


I talked with gallerist and artblog fave Shelley Spector the other day and she told me about the new show opening in the gallery Friday. It’s a double bill of paintings, drawings and a sand castle (yes, built on site) by Brooklyn artist Oliver Vernon in the front space and new work in ceramics and on paper by C. W. Wells in the back.

The opening’s on Friday, from 6 pm-9 pm. with music and dancing in the alley outside the gallery. Vernon’s girlfriend is a break dancer, and we’re hoping she’ll perform.


Vernon work, like mandalas made by someone steeped in street culture or Hollywood-influenced graphic design, have something of Phil Frost about them.

And CW Wells’s darkling creatures (naughty and nice) will smolder and pose in their usual bad child way looking for attention.

