
The 3:00 Book

Four-panel comic: TOP PANEL shows a woman, dressed in Handmaid’s Tale habit and bonnet, standing in a plaza in front of a government building and holding a sign that says “THE FUTURE IS FEMALE.” Behind her, running through the plaza, is a bare-chested, tattooed man wearing a horn headdress and holding a Trump 2020 flag. He’s shouting AHHHHHHHHH through a megaphone. MIDDLE PANEL shows a closeup of the scene with the man, still shouting AHHHHHHHH, exiting the scene at the left and the woman standing and now looking concerned. BOTTOM LEFT PANEL shows the woman with her cosplay costume now on the ground, and she’s holding a lighter that is lit and makes the CHHSSHHH sound. BOTTOM RIGHT PANEL shows woman standing holding her sign, looking wistful with the costume n flames at her feet.
